PIW - Showcase your expertise with the new IoT Solution specializations

Cisco announced the launch of two IoT Solution Specializations which will provide continued success to the Industrial IoT partners based on the specializations we have today as well as expanded opportunities to sell into and recognize partners working in the Commercial IoT space. In this session you will learn about the two new Solution Specializations centred around the Internet of Things: Industrial IoT and Commercial IoT both of which offer partners more opportunities to showcase their capabilities and differentiate themselves in the market.

Date: 23 April 2024 - 15:00 (1 Hour)
Language: English
Audience: Sales, Technology
Level: Intermediate

Registration: https://xpert.cisco.com/register/TC-010287?reqId=SS-015801

PIW - Showcase your expertise with the new IoT Solution specializations

Cisco announced the launch of two IoT Solution Specializations which will provide continued success to the Industrial IoT partners based on the specializations we have today as well as expanded opportunities to sell into and recognize partners working in the Commercial IoT space. In this session you will learn about the two new Solution Specializations centred around the Internet of Things: Industrial IoT and Commercial IoT both of which offer partners more opportunities to showcase their capabilities and differentiate themselves in the market.

Date: 23 April 2024 - 15:00 (1 Hour)
Language: English
Audience: Sales, Technology
Level: Intermediate

Registration: https://xpert.cisco.com/register/TC-010287?reqId=SS-015801