12 сентября 2023


A couple of months ago, we shared the exciting news of 4 of our Wi-Fi routers, including the RUTX50 5G router, have received the AWS IoT Core certification and were included in its product catalog. That was the first step down a path we are committed to walking, and today we are happy to share news about the second, much bigger step.

Our own product catalog isn’t the only thing that’s always expanding. 14 of our 4G routers and all 8 of our IoT gateways, including the TRB500 5G gateway, have recently received the AWS IoT Core certification as well.
This expands our presence in the AWS IoT Core product catalog, bringing the total of certified devices to 26. These consist of all of our cellular gateways and nearly all of our routers, with only the RUT901 and RUT906 4G routers being left out (for now).NIKA NETWORKS PRODUCTS RECEIVE AWS IOT CORE CERTIFICATION

In case you’re unfamiliar with AWS IoT Core, this managed cloud service facilitates simple and secure interaction between connected devices of networking solutions and cloud applications. Our products being certified means that they are compatible with this cloud service, and so existing and future users of AWS IoT Core around the world can rely on our IoT gateways and routers.
According to our Head of Programming, Gintautas Beržunskis, this is a very significant step. “By utilizing the AWS IoT Core cloud platform with our devices, users can use the Message Broker service. This enables them to manage message traffic, monitor device status, and establish secure and efficient communication. 26 of our devices are listed in the AWS Partner Device Catalog, as they have undergone a validation process by AWS – ensuring they meet the standards and compatibility requirements. As a result, AWS acknowledges these devices as reliable and fully functional.”
Indeed, remaining adaptable to our clients’ and market needs is a core value of Teltonika Networks. As such, new product certifications are always in process at any given point, and support of 3rd party IoT platforms remains a priority as well.
This is all in pursuit of the utmost level of flexibility and versatility of our products. We are confident that engineers introduced to Teltonika Networks via AWS IoT Core will enjoy the level of excellence our clients are familiar with in their networking solutions.
